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7th Art 2025 New Films
Embark on a cinematic adventure with our latest film additions, spanning fiction features, insightful documentaries, and captivating shorts. Whether you’re seeking compelling narratives or thought-provoking storytelling, our curated selection includes a rich collection of Jewish-themed films that offer unique perspectives on history, culture, and contemporary issues. All films are available for public screenings and educational licenses in various formats, including DVD, Blu-Ray, DCP, or MP4. Immerse yourself in a diverse array of stories that inspire, entertain, and provoke thought, brought to you by our film distribution company.
Seeking films with a particular theme or topic in mind? Connect with us at, and let our team provide personalized film recommendations tailored to your interests.
Fiction Feature Films (6)

Documentary Feature Films (10)

Fiction Short Films (5)
Documentary Short Films (6)